In November 2023, the Hungarian government announced a new (thirteenth) national consultation containing 11 questions (the list below). Their main topic was the protection of sovereignty. Each issue included a comment and ended with a question “What do you think about it?” In the comments one could read, among other things, that Brussels took a pro-war position, and it is trying to extort additional funds from member states to help Ukraine, while failing to pay the EU funds due to Hungary. It attacks Hungarian law on protecting children from aggressive LGBTQ propaganda, while Brussels and other foreign countries want to force Hungary to change its position on key issues by supporting Hungarian political actors and activist groups providing them billions of dollars.
The government spokesperson said that these consultations are important, and every Hungarian can express his or her opinion, as Hungary has recently had many disputes with Brussels.
Surveys could be returned until January 17, 2024.
Billboards and smaller posters were hung again on city streets, on advertising poles or public transport stops. On the posters, the images of Alex Soros and Ursula von der Leyen were accompanied by the comment “Ne táncoljunk úgy, ahogy ők fütyülnek!”, which can be translated as “Let’s not dance as they whistle!”
All 11 questions (statements) started with the word “Brussels”. According to the Hungarian government these statements represent the aspirations of “Brussels. (In brackets are given the official results, the percentage of respondents who disagreed with with Brussels’ position.)
1. Brussels wants to abolish the utility subsidy. (98.82%)
2. Brussels wants to abolish the upper limit on interest rate cap. (98.01%)
3. Brussels wants to abolish the extra profit tax in Hungary. (97.89%)
4. Brussels also wants to create migrant ghettos in Hungary. (99.33%)
5. Subsidies provided by Brussels to Palestinian organizations also reached Hamas. (97.72%)
6. Brussels would send more weapons to Ukraine. (99.32%)
7. Brussels wants even more money to support Ukraine. (99.06%)
8. Brussels wants to admit Ukraine to the European Union. (99.02%)
9. Brussels wants to allow genetically modified Ukrainian grain. (99.29%)
10. Brussels wants to abolish the child protection law. 98.64%
11. Brussels wants to influence Hungarian politics with money sent from Brussels and overseas. (98.15%)
At the end of January 2024, detailed results were published on the official government website.
The results were summed up by the government spokesperson, who said that the Hungarian people defended their country’s sovereignty and overwhelming majority opposed that others should decide for them on issues that have a fundamental impact on their lives.
1,545,628 people completed the survey.
More than 98% of Hungarians who completed the survey answered all questions in line with the government’s position. Depending on the question, agreement ranged from 97.72% to 99.32%.
Simultaneously with the announcement of the results, new billboards and posters appeared on city streets.
This time in four different versions:
99% no to migrant ghettos (99% nem a migránsgettókra)
99% no to sending weapons (99% nem a fegyverküldésre)
99% no to genetically modified Ukrainian grain (99% nem a génmódosított Ukrán gabonára)
99% no to gender propaganda (99% nem a genderpropagandára)